Tony Gebely

Tony Gebely, CEO of Annapurna Cybersecurity, has been immersed in the world of cybersecurity since 2003, when he discovered his passion for cryptography. With over two decades of experience in the information technology field, Tony has built a successful career leading custom software projects, building platforms in Drupal, and holding high-level positions such as Director of Digital Strategy and Director of Technology.

Prior to founding Annapurna Cybersecurity, Tony’s most recent role as Chief Technology Officer for Family Office Exchange saw him serve as a subject matter expert on cybersecurity for the firm’s 500 members. Tony routinely advised families on cybersecurity best practices, published several papers on the topic, and ran the firm’s first Global Family Security Workshop.

He also launched the organization’s Technology Operations and Data Security Network, which includes over 325 family office executives responsible for technology and cybersecurity.