Sophia Pacifico Griffni

Sophia Pacifico Griffini’s professional mission is to empower next-gens to get smart on money and investing skills with the goal of ensuring that they gain not only the knowledge, but also the confidence, to start owning their financial decisions.

Inspired by her own experiences growing up with little to no guidance of how to manage personal finances, Sophia built Finance Talks to teach next-gens regardless of age or experience how to be in control of their finances.

Previously, Sophia led a career in wealth management where she oversaw investment advice for high net worth and ultra-high net worth families, private foundations, not-for profits, and corporations.

During her job in wealth management, she noticed a similar trend. Educating the next generation was not done in an engaging or interesting way. The Finance Talks courses are guided by 3 main principles: (1) Beginner Friendly (2) Customizable and (3) A good time.

Sophia received a BA from University of Southern California. Originally from New York City, she now resides in San Francisco, but is an avid global traveler.

Company Bio:

Finance Talks was founded on the principal that as more next-gens take seats at the table, we need to equip them with the tools and knowledge to own their seat.

We partner with select family offices to bring a highly customized approach to teaching the next generation investing and money skills.

Through fun and engaging courses, we make investing fun, interesting and most importantly, relatable.

All educational courses are rooted in what we call the 4 E’s:

- Engage- Information only sticks if it is relatable and relevant. Through carefully curated questions we go beyond just "tell me about yourself" to customize the course.

- Explain - There are 1 million+ ways to explain something. Our job? Find the explanation that works for YOU!

- Explore - We give clients the safe space to connect the dots between what they learn and real-world examples.

- Empower - Turn family meetings into discussions. Building on the concepts that clients learn, we give them the skills and confidence to have valuable and rewarding conversations about money and investing.