H.F. “Rick” Pitcairn, II, CFA

Chief Global Strategist

A member of Pitcairn’s leadership team, Rick is the firm’s first ever Chief Global Strategist where he leads the development of Pitcairn’s thought leadership on macro-economic trends and explores opportunities and new initiatives to spur business growth. Previously, Rick was the firm’s Chief Investment Officer for almost 15 years. A fourth-generation family member, Rick has over 25 years of committee and board involvement with Pitcairn.

Rick is a sought-after public speaker and author on investment topics including long-term investing for families, due diligence, tax overlay, and global asset allocations. He is a frequent commentator in the business media with appearances on CNBC and Bloomberg as well as interviews with Barron’s, Investor’s Business Daily, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal.

In addition, Rick is a founding member and past chairman of the Wigmore Association, a global collaboration of chief executive officers and chief investment officers from eight family offices across North America, Europe, Australia, and South America.

Rick holds the designation of Chartered Financial Analyst and is a member of the Financial Analysts of Philadelphia. He has an MBA in Finance from Rice University and a BBA in Accounting with honors from the University of Houston.